Water Ionizer

Ionized Water Contributes To Improve
Health & Well Being


Ionized Water To Improve Health

Water ionizers have been used in Japan and other parts of Asia for over 40 years and are certified by the Korean and Japanese Ministries of Health as an approved medical device. Ionized water has helped millions of people fight many disease and it has many health benefits. Tap Water, UV Treated Water, RO Water and Bottled Water are mostly acidic as it may have pH (4to 6) less than 7. Such water may also have Positive Charged ORP (+100 to +350) which is a Oxidant Water. Science has proved that Acidic and Oxidant water is not Good for health. Which is actually leads to many diseases and health issues.

These oxidants can damage cells by starting chemical chain reactions such as lipid peroxidation, or by oxidizing DNA or proteins. Damage to DNA can cause mutations and possibly cancer, if not reversed by DNA repair mechanisms, while damage to proteins causes enzyme inhibition, denaturation and protein degradation.

Helps In Disease Control


ATROS has come with a 40 years old Japanese water ionizer Technology with a very unique development in technology such as TiSS Combo Tech MiRH Tech.This will Convert your water into Antioxidant, Alkaline (Acid Free), Hydrogen Rich, Micro Clustered, Mineral Rich Ionised water (Without adding any chemical),These 100% make in India .Atros water ionizer will not just help you and your loved Ones to become more healthy but it also helps to protect you all from cancer, High Blood Pressure, Diabetes, Acidity, Arthritis, Acid Reflux, Constipation, fatigue, weight issues, skin & hair diseases and such 248+ diseases

Water ionizers have been used in Japan and other parts of Asia for over 40 years and are certified by the Korean and Japanese Ministries of Health as an approved medical device. Ionized water has helped millions of people fight many disease and it has many health benefits.

have glance at

What Makes Ionized Water Special?

Anti Oxidant

Antioxidants fight off/stop the free radicals from even forming while attacking the one already running around. Antioxidants interact with and neutralize free radicals, thus preventing them from causing damage. Antioxidants are also known as “free radical scavengers.” As per the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, USA.

Micro Clustered

Tap water which is under pressure has very large clusters of 12-14 molecules. The ionization process breaks the electrical bonding of water molecules and restructures the water down to about 5-6 molecules per cluster. Alkaline water super hydrates the body Water molecules come in clusters rather than single molecules.


Science has proven that dangerous, acidic oxidants can’t live in alkaline environment. Alkaline water helps in increasing alkalinity and decreasing acidity in the body.

Hydrogen Rich

Hydrogen water simply means water with free hydrogen to act as antioxidant properties to scavenge damaging ROS! (Reactive Oxygen Species)

What We Drink?

Tap Water / UV Treated Water / RO Water / Bottled Water

Is it really Safe to drink these …? Actually Not!

Acidic Nature

Tap Water, UV Treated Water, RO Water and Bottled Water are mostly acidic as it may have pH (4 to 6) less than 7.

+ORP : Which is not good

Such water may also have Positive Charged ORP (+100 to +350) which is a Oxidant Water.

Diseases & Health Issues

Science has proved that Acidic and Oxidant water is not Good for health. Which is actually leads to many diseases and health issues.

Harmful Oxidants

These oxidants can damage cells by starting chemical chain reactions such as lipid peroxidation, or by oxidizing DNA or proteins. Damage to DNA can cause mutations and possibly cancer, if not reversed by DNA repair mechanisms, while damage to proteins causes enzyme inhibition, denaturation and protein degradation.

Free Demo ATROS Ionizers

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